NASA recently unveiled the first remarkable images from the James Webb Telescope, the world’s largest and most powerful space telescope. What we now know is that there are about one hundred billion such galaxies in our observable universe in addition to our own, and that within galaxies like our Milky Way, there are about one hundred billion stars; and that the universe is continuing to expand. Now we have this newly confirmed knowledge of an expanding universe with infinite possibilities of worlds alien to us.
Creation 12- glass detail |
Imagined here are possible landmasses seen by the James Webb telescope but not yet explored. In the first gallery we see aerial views of some of those planets. In the second gallery are sculptures of possible ecosystems. As many as 100 individual forms make up each of the sculptures in this gallery. Gallery three depicts the early gestational period of some of the life forms in these remote places. The last gallery Habitation depicts various areas where different lifeforms coexist.
I believe it is about time we start thinking of our planet Earth as our ‘home.’ Those who realize we are but a spec in the universe, can help others progressively transition from our tribal ways of thinking and seeing.
I believe it is about time we start thinking of our planet Earth as our ‘home.’ Those who realize we are but a spec in the universe, can help others progressively transition from our tribal ways of thinking and seeing.